In Part One I offered a rough guide to local government . A quick explanation of how complex this bit of the public sector is compared central government. In this part I'll discuss how we can move things forward, not by amending existing practices but by taking a new approach. I'm going to use the contentious issue of "one website to rule them all", that is, a single website to publish information from all 6,500ish local government departments that some have proposed. Local government websites are a good example of change by consensus. Even as little as ten years ago, not every UK council had a website. There's no general legislation to ensure that councils have websites (though there is some around specific content provision), it's just by consensus of user need that they've been created. They're also a good example of the speed of change. Local politicians have been told by professionals of the need for bigger, better websites for years. This i...
Local Government, Digital.