As statements go, "technology is easy, culture is hard" is neither original nor totally accurate. It was however the catalyst for the first Digital by Design Day, held yesterday at my place. Technology isn't easy, but it's getting easier. Creating a new digital service is a bit like baking a cake. In the well stocked cupboards below I need ingredients from three shelves and a couple of things from outside, in the fridge. It's not as easy as throwing things together in a bowl and hoping for the best, there's some knowledge and skill involved, but following the right recipe, and with the right ingredients success can be achieved. Building a digital service is similar. Start with the right ingredients, or technical capabilities (some are shown below) and the right recipe, and with knowledge and hard work you can create a great service. For example using forms, integration, email, BPN and our line of business waste system we've automated over 7...
Local Government, Digital.