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Showing posts from July, 2018

A pattern and process library for local government

Patterns and processes are blueprints for digital services. A pattern describes how a service interacts with the user to gather the information it needs to progress a  request. This will often be rendered visually on a screen, but increasingly it's also through voice, and devices such as smart speakers. It informs the team designing the service of things like which questions should be asked, how many at a time, in which formats, in which order, and what the user needs to know to be able to complete the questions. Processes are how the service is delivered, describing when and why a process interacts with the user, the service delivery team, third parties, digital elements such APIs, and anything else needed to deliver the service. A graphic representation of a process for missed reporting bins designed using Business Process Model and Notation is below but it can also be represented in a machine readable format too. Patterns and processes are the most tangible part ...

The Local Digital Declaration

Local e-government and digital isn't a new concept. In 2000, Implementing Electronic Government (IEG) aimed for all public services in England to be delivered electronically by 31 December 2005. Local authorities reported 97% e-enablement at the start of 2006, but in reality what was created were websites crammed full of PDFs, and the legacy of this ethos still lives on with some councils. Mind you, an online form isn't always the best medium either, and recently we removed 60 online forms from our website . Fast forward to 2013 and the Local Digital Alliance was formed which promised much but delivered nothing, and in 2016 the Local Digital Coalition saw many of the same organisations come together, to talk about, but not deliver a joined up approach to local government digital. July 4th 2018 saw a Local Digital Declaration co-published by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government and many of the organisations in the Coalition. As you may have picked ...