Organising a sustainable peer group This week LocalGov Digital launched a peer group for the South West of England . Added to the newly created group for the South of England and established groups for London and the Midlands this now makes four. The groups are primarily there to help regions establish how to work to the Local Government Digital Service Standard (LGDSS), but can cover whatever the regional leads feel would best meet the needs of the group. This is great news for digital practitioners interested in thinking, doing and sharing to create better public services. What if you're thinking "where's the group for my region?" though, if that's the case then why not start a group yourself. LocalGov Digital can definitely offer you: Publicity through the LocalGov Digital newsletter , Twtter account , website and Eventbrite page . Workshop plans and agendas from other peer groups Advice from other regional peer group leads via a dedicate...
Local Government, Digital.