Standard Sprint #1 was two weeks of work from 6 to 17 June, to both produce guidance for the Local Government Digital Service Standard and to see if it's possible to work collaboratively, using online tools and resources. Turns out it is. Rewind back to the start of April and LocalGov Digital released the Standard, with help from over 60 councils and the Government Digital Service . The Standard contains 15 points suggesting how to build and manage good local government digital services. Whilst some points are fairly self-explanatory, for example: Make sure that the service is simple enough that users succeed first time unaided. others such as Use open standards, existing authoritative data and registers, and where possible make source code and service data open and reusable under appropriate licenses. are less so and some sort of guidance was needed. As of today, that guidance now exists and we'll continue to revise and add to it. So what did I learn? Collab...
Local Government, Digital.