As you may have read, we've been working with the Government Digital Service (GDS) to build a standard for digital and design in local government. Who's we? A collection of councils bought together through LocalGov Digital . Incidentally, I think 2016 will be the year local government digital teams start working more closely with GDS (and I've purposely phrased it this way) around common services, standards and registers, but that's topic for another post. What's the benefit of working to a common standard you might ask: Where services are produced by councils it enables peer review, similar to a Digital by Default Assessment . Where services are procured by councils it enables collective bargaining power. A group of councils working to the same standard speak much louder than one, empowering them to stand up for the user and demand products and services they purchase meet user need. It enables greater collaboration, with groups of councils working on c...
Local Government, Digital.