In September I wrote about attending a Digital by Default Service Assessment and last week I did just that. Before I start I should say that this piece isn't an assessment of the assessment, it's just a collection of ideas related to how it might work for Local Government, based on four hours of observation. So firstly, I have to say it's difficult being an observer. Like everyone else in the room I have a passion for public sector digital and not being able to comment at any point is extremely frustrating. That's the deal with being an observer though and in fact if I had been allowed to comment I would have influenced the very process I was there to see. Gonzo digital assessments this ain't. As you'd expect the assessment follows the Digital by Default Standard , and it's split into themes relating to the 18 points which are roughly: User needs/testing Questions about the team supporting the service Digital inclusion and contingency planning Tec...
Local Government, Digital.