Back in 2013 I wrote about about kick starting collaboration and in the spirit of LocalGov Digital 's ethos of "Think. Do. Share" we've been thinking, then doing something about it. A couple of weeks ago LocalGovDigital Makers launched Pipeline , to help enable collaboration between council digital teams. At present it's very much an alpha, a platform to investigate the functionality needed to allow councils to work together more closely together and a pilot to test out Makers Project Teams . We publicised the launch with a few tweets, an article on the LocalGov Digital website and Digital by Default News ran a piece on it you could say it was fairly low key. As I write this, we've had people from 50 different councils sign up. I'm under no illusion. This isn't 50 councils all ready to dive head-first into the sharing and collaboration of their digital work, I'm sure some will have joined through personal interest or curiosity. I do...
Local Government, Digital.